Resource Materials
updated: 6/19/00

1. Elder Law: National Senior Citizens Law Center
The National Senior Citizens Law Center advocates nationwide to promote the independence
and well-being of low-income elderly individuals, as well as persons with disabilities, with particular
emphasis on women and racial and ethnic minorities.

2. Senior Law Webpage
This is a Web site where senior citizens, their families, attorneys, social workers, and financial planners, can access information about Elder Law, Medicare, Medicaid, estate planning, trusts and the rights of the elderly and disabled.

3. Kansas Elder Law Network
Part of the Information Network of Kansas, is the nation's most comprehensive Website devoted to topics of interest to America's senior citizens and their advocates.

4. The National Academy of Elder Law Attornyes, Inc.
The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. is a non-profit association which assists lawyers, bar organizations and others who work with older clients and their families. Established in 1987, the Academy provides a resource of information, education, networking and assistance to those who must deal with the many specialized issues involved with legal
services to the elderly and disabled.

5. Social Security Handbook (1997)
(statement from SSA) "The Social Security Handbook is one of the numerous publications we provide for you. It summarizes information about the Social Security programs and contains brief descriptions of related programs administered by other agencies. It was created to be a readable, easy to understand reference tool for the very complex Social Security programs and services. Because the Social Security programs are so complex it is impossible to include information about every topic. However, we have included what we believe is the most common and helpful information. "

6. Americans with Disabilities Act.

7. Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)-The Medicare & Medicaid Agency
This is a very large site with lots of general as well as technical information regarding
HCFA and its two major programs, Medicare and Medicaid. There are direct links to
Medicare and Medicaid law and regulations, HCFA rulings and official advisory
opinions, HCFA letters to state Medicaid directors, consumer and
professional/technical on-line publications, listings of state and regional HCFA staff,
and extensive statistical data. HCFA publications and memorandum, including all 22
Medicaid and Medicare manuals, are available for downloading. There is an internal
search mechanism to aid in locating information on this vast site.

8. Medicare Information.

9. Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy
DALTCP is the component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
charged with research, analysis and policy development. This site is rich with surveys,
studies and analysis on health care, Medicare, Medicaid, and managed care.

10. Administration on Aging
AoA’s "Elder Page" site contains many resources for the elderly that can be useful for
attorneys as well. There is a large nationwide searchable directory to 230 national and
local agencies, health associations, and organizations. There is a large compilation of
general and statistical materials on-line.

11. California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR)
CANHR is non-profit information and advocacy organization for nursing home
residents providing consumer information on nursing homes, Medicaid and residents
rights in California; training and information on estate planning and long-term care
issues; lawyer referrals, etc. This website has extensive information on all 1,400 nursing
facilities in California, postings on pending state legislation and legislative advocacy, and
information for attorneys and estate planners.

12. H.E.L.P.
H.E.L.P. is a Torrance, California-based "information resource" for older adults living
in the South Bay area. Their website includes extensive information about nursing home
costs, medical decision-making and other topics. Check out their newsletter excerpts
for particularly useful information.

13. Elder Law Resources. (very large list and very helpful)

14. Law and Estate Planning Sites on the Internet.